Hope For Nashville - What The Rest Of Us Can Learn About Being Community Strong

In the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 3rd, a series of devastating tornadoes raced through four counties in Tennessee leaving death, chaos, and shredded homes in their wake.

Nashville, the Music City, was it the path of one of those tornadoes and while the winds may have been intent on tearing the city apart, it turns out the opposite of that is true.

I love Nashville. I have visited there with the last time being just a few weeks back. Loving country music and being from the south probably influences my opinion, but there is a vibe throughout the city that speaks to community, potential, dreams, and pride. (Of course, let's not forget the endless musical talent and love of the party!)

As I watched the news with a crushing feeling of sadness, I also started to notice glimpses of HOPE. And since HOPE is literally my middle name and the basis for my life's platform, I thought it only fitting to share what I see is Hope For Nashville. (And the rest of us if we pay attention.)

The first sign of HOPE was the standing mural of I Believe In Nashville.

This mural was on the side of a music venue called Basement East. In addition to the concerts held there, it had become a popular tourist attraction for the mural itself. In an unbelievable and almost prophetic turn of events, while the building around it crumbled, the mural itself remained standing with her message echoing loud and clear.

The manager of the venue made this statement to a local news outlet.

"The buildings can be rebuilt, but the people are what make it. The musicians, the artists, the folks who live here every day, and make this dream literally happen," Simpson said. "There's no other place in the world that thrives on music and is able to grow as a city. And, that's what this place is all about. That's what that sign is all about." 

This is a common sentiment throughout the neighborhoods and businesses in the city. That strong sense of coming together, helping both friends and strangers. Asking for nothing in return. Volunteers lining up before dawn to handle the task of clean up, debris clearing, hugs, and prayers.

Offering strong shoulders for lifting objects and stronger shoulders for leaning and lifting hearts.

While the world seems to be falling all over itself to tear others down, Nashville is showing us what it looks like to build each other back up.

I hope we are paying attention.

One of my friends, Rachel Lipsky, is a country music singer and songwriter in Nashville. I met her through social media and wrote an article about her rising career. I sent her a text to check on her. Thankfully she and her family are ok. When I told her I wanted to write this piece, I asked for her input. Here are her words.

"I've lived in Nashville for two really big natural disasters. I had just moved here ten years ago when two days later the major flooding occurred and now this. It never ceases to amaze me how we all come together to help one another. As a community, we drop everything and help those in need, donate time and resources." She went on to say, "Clean up crews are in awe at how much is being done before they even get there. This is a true testament to incredible human beings. We're all here for one another - this is what life is about, this is our purpose - to help one another."

World...... Are we listening to this???

I have another recent acquaintance through social media. Chuck Pursel is the tour manager for 3 Doors Down and has lived in Nashville for most of his life. I started seeing his involvement and help through his posts on social media and reached out to him as well.

He was actually out and about during the storms that night, but he also was thankfully ok. Always being community-minded and ready to lend a hand, he immediately reached out to Costco who he has worked with in the past. They stepped up to offer water and other supplies and has kept him busy in the pipeline of helping.

When I asked him what made Nashville so special he offered this insight. While some areas with competing artists are out to one-up or better their competition, those coming to Nashville to pursue their dreams are willing and ready to help others with the same passions.

He said there has been an outpouring of support from every corner of the city. From free pet sitting services to restaurants serving free food, those in need are finding help and comfort all around.

I asked him to share one uplifting story and he told of delivering water and driving through one neighborhood after another seeing people having cookouts. Now, these weren't your average cookouts. No, these were people with freezers with no power who decided instead of having their food be wasted to instead cook it for everyone to enjoy. And this scene was repeated over and over.

When questioned about how those of us outside the area could help, his response was simply financial assistance. There will be so many who need so much.

His recommendation was to purchase an I Believe In Nashville t-shirt.

These are being printed based on the image from the standing mural and 100% of the proceeds are going to help the needs in Nashville. So far the amount raised is over $400,000 with a goal of one million.

I intend to buy one and I hope all of you out there will as well.

Here is the link.

My Hopefuls, I know there are people who need our love and support in every corner of the world. And I believe we should do our best to help whether it is one random act of kindness in your city or reaching a need near to your heart a thousand miles away.

I chose to highlight Nashville not only because it is a city I love, but because their selfless attitude, sacrifice, and resilience is what is needed across our great country right now.

I believe in Nashville, but I also believe in us as a nation. And I am ready to see us come together, support one another and just simply love one another.

And I believe in YOU! You guys are my inspiration and encouragement and the reason I keep trying to push my agenda of HOPE. Hope is not some random concept out in the universe, it is already in each one of us.

I see it in Nashville and I see it in you and it gives me the courage to.....

Hope With Abandon

Hope Out


How to Maintain Hope During Times of Fear

As adults, we don’t like to admit when we are afraid. For those of us with children, we spend a fair amount of time telling them NOT to be afraid. Of what’s under the bed or in the closet, of an upcoming test, or the bully at school.

Of course, this means we have to appear brave in their eyes. Never let them see you sweat, right?? I agree to a certain extent. We don’t want to impart unnecessary fear into their tender hearts and minds.

However, it is still a very natural thing for us, as adults, to also experience fear and uncertainty.

And right now there are a lot of things going on to make us feel afraid. But we can’t bury our heads in the sand. We have to get out there and live and thrive and not give in to the fear.

I wish I had the right formula to fix the stock market, or a miracle pill to kill all the viruses. In truth, I don’t have the solutions to these or any host of other problems causing you anxiety.

But I do have some very real strategies to help you cope and find ways to maintain your HOPE during these times of fear.

Acknowledge It

My first suggestion is to acknowledge and define your fear. What exactly are you afraid of? An unidentified monster is much scarier and harder to handle than one out in the open.

You might find once you are able to define your fears, they aren’t quite as overwhelming as you once thought. When you know your enemy, you can develop an attack plan.

Do What You Can (And Let Go Of What You Can’t)

There are some things in life you just can’t control. It rains on both the good and the bad, and some days your umbrella just won’t open. Learn to accept that some details you can manage, and others have to play out like intended.

With that being said, you should always do what you can. Take action. Don’t just sit and wait for the chaos to come to your door.

Educate yourself. Now, this doesn’t mean believing everything you read. Use wisdom. There is a platform for almost every crazy theory out there. Practice common sense.

Take precautions. Be diligent. Listen to those you trust and whose opinion you value.
Be prepared, but don’t get so caught up in preparing for tomorrow, that you forget to live today. Remember, today is the only day we are promised anyway.

Talk About It

Despair is a real thing, and it can be crippling. There is no shame in talking about it. And you have several options for your audience.

Might I suggest God first? Prayer is a fantastic fear buster.

Friends and family are also a great resource. They know you and can help calm and steady you. They can also help with the action steps above. A community banded together can handle almost anything that comes their way.

If you still feel lost and distraught, seek the guidance of a professional. A therapist or counselor is trained to help lead you through the weeds of despair and the darkness. Allow them to help you.

Express Gratitude

There are few things more healing and calming than gratitude. It can literally chase away the negative thoughts and energy. Whenever you are feeling thankful and blessed, there is no room for fear.

We all have so much to be grateful for. They may not all be the same things for everyone, but I’m pretty sure anyone who is reading this is blessed in many ways. I read a quote just today that said somewhere there is someone praying for the things you/we take for granted every day. 

Let that sink in a minute.
Help Someone Else

Another way to lose sight of your fear is to help someone else. Get your mind off of imagined scenarios and get busy lending a hand. You won’t have to look hard to find someone who needs help.

And I want to encourage everyone here to be cautious, but not suspicious of others. The worst thing that we can do is turn against each other. We cannot allow ourselves to be ripped apart by distrust.

Speak up if you must. Be an example, not an instigator. It is in times like these where leaders arise. Do your part to instill hope and peace to those around you.

My Hopefuls, I am not coming to you from a lofty position of having succeeded in all of these steps. I’m afraid too. There are times when I wish I knew what laid ahead, and other times when I’m glad I don’t.

But I can tell you this. I do have HOPE. And I’m learning each day to live in peace and practice joy. And I’ve discovered another truth….

Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the resistance of it.

So go resist today!!

And as always….

Hope With Abandon

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How Snapchat Changed Dating

I have been at this dating thing for quite a while now.

When I took my first dip into online dating, it was still very new and even considered taboo. I wouldn’t call myself a pioneer, but when I started, flip phones were still popular and I had never even heard of the word ‘app’.

And Snapchat had not been invented.

We didn’t even really text much back then. We emailed then talked on the phone and then we met. It was a fairly simple process.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Dating has always been challenging. It’s never easy to find just the right spark and match and someone with the same set of quirks, or accepting of others. But back then, getting from point A (a profile) to point B (an actual live in-person date) was straight forward.

That is not the case anymore.

I could blame my age. I could blame the MeToo movement. I could blame my shrinking patience and expanding waistline.

But I blame Snapchat.

Snapchat was the brainchild of some restless guys from Stanford University in 2011.

The idea behind the app was to create a platform that took communication to the next level. Instead of just being able to send messages through text, they wanted an option to use images and photos to convey sentiments and information.

(Did you know the original name was Picaboo?)

In theory, it sounded almost sweet and endearing. To develop a connection and closer bond than just words alone. After all, that one picture could be worth a thousand words.

Unless, of course, that picture disappears.

What made their app so unique was the fact that whatever was sent had a very limited life span. The messages disappear within moments of being opened. So what is so endearing about that?  

I will try to reserve judgment against these fellows that I know nothing about it. Their intentions MAY have been legit, but as with many good things, it only takes a few to distort and twist until the original objective is unrecognizable.

And here is where my beef with Snapchat begins: That very first time some guy or gal dared,

begged or encouraged someone to send a racy photo. And the rest is history.

I am not sure if we have lost our modesty and self-reserve in recent years, or if the only thing holding us back was fear of discovery. Either way, the invention of the disappearing photo opened up a whole new world of ‘show me yours and I’ll show you mine.

And I’m not even going to blame the guys completely here. It takes two to tango. I believe there are just as many gals (or close) that want to get in the game. And that’s really the root of the issue, in my humble opinion.

In the last 9 years, there has been a surge in apps designed to create a secret life. A big part of that is probably for those intent on cheating. But for others, it is a way to create a false sense of intimacy and sensuality.

For every girl who sends a racy or naked photo seeking attention, she is growing the expectation that more girls will do the same thing. For every girl who encourages a racy or naked photo to be sent to her, the perception increases that it is acceptable behavior.

For every guy who sends an unsolicited photo, there are so many more women out there saying why? And don't! And stop!

Now I know I sound like a prude. Old-fashioned. Fuddy-duddy. And honestly, I’m not. I have no real issue with how two consenting adults choose to conduct their love life.

Here is my issue. Snapchat made it easier (not necessarily safer) to send racy pics and so, therefore, it became more common (aka acceptable). More common means more people ask and expect it early on in the dating process, often even before meeting.

This entire shift in the dating hierarchy and traditional timetable has had a ripple effect. While the majority of Snapchat users are teenagers, the ramifications reach further down the generational lines.

I do not mean to imply that everyone is doing it. I know that is simply not the case. However, I am convinced that enough are to have altered the way dating (the online variety at least) is conducted. I hear story after story from those who have been on the receiving end of unsolicited (and generally, unwanted, photos).

So what is the takeaway here? A couple of things. (These are for both genders.)

Don’t give your cellphone number away too quickly. Try to have a better understanding of someone’s intentions before taking that step.

If you get any type of communication you don’t like/want, make it known immediately. It’s your decision to walk away at that point or not, but you should at least set your boundaries.

If you flirt heavily or suggestively, be prepared.

If you do use Snapchat, or other picture-sharing apps, be careful who has access to those accounts. Again, use caution when handing out the information.

If you currently use and are happy with, Snapchat for whatever your consensual recreational activities are, then ignore the previous 700 words.

And one last thing, keep in mind that once the 'sent' button is hit, most things are never absolutely ‘gone’. Just because an image disappears from someone’s phone, tablet or laptop screen does not mean it is completely erased.

I am the first to admit I don’t understand servers and domains and encryptions, but I’ve done enough research to know that disappear doesn’t always mean what you think it means.

My Hopefuls, I genuinely want all of you to have successful and healthy relationships. And only you and your partner can define what that means.

For those of us still single and waiting, set your personal boundaries, make them known, then go forth in this dating world with enthusiasm and delight.

And do your chatting, but go easy on the snapping.

And as always...

Hope With Abandon

Hope Out


3 Keys To Not Sink Your Ship - The VASA Syndrome

The VASA is a Swedish warship from 1628 that sank 1400 yards into its maiden voyage killing 30 of the crew. The ship was ordered to be built by reigning King of Sweden; Gustavus Adolphus.

During the 17th century, Sweden was growing in world prominence partly due to their military dominance led by King Adolphus.

Up until that point, most of the naval fleets were small to medium size vessels with only one gundeck and armed with medium size cannons. The king’s vision was to create a more massive ship with a double gundeck and more/larger cannons and artillery.
That goal, in and of itself, was not a bad idea. He saw a problem and worked out what he thought was an outstanding solution. The problem was in the execution of the plan, and that is where we get into trouble in our own lives.

The king took shortcuts, didn’t listen to wise advice and let his pride overtake his sensibilities. The result was disastrous, and oftentimes we are guilty of those same mistakes.

As we travel through life we find ourselves in conflict or struggling to overcome adversity and instead of thinking the problem through or following helpful advice, we plunge headfirst with our own impulsive ideas and find ourselves in worse shape.

So how could the VASA disaster have been avoided? And what can we learn for our lives today?
1. Plan And Prepare.

The king knew he had a problem, but he was in a hurry. He was impatient to show his power and wanted to get that ship out on the water with her double gundecks and massive artillery cannons. He put unrealistic timelines on his builders and allowed them to take shortcuts to get the job done.

How often in our struggles do we rush to a conclusion? Do you get so focused on winning that you do not properly prepare for the battle? Whether your goal is better finances, strong relationships, a healthier lifestyle; none of those things happen overnight! They take thought and planning.

Showing impatience or bypassing proven methods will not yield the results you want and you will end up right back where you started; or worse.
2. Ask For (And Consider) Wise Council.

Naval engineering has come a long way since the 17th century, but there were still those working on the project that knew the ship was unstable. They could not simply add another level to the ship, straight up, and not widen the base to handle the extra load.

Questioning the king’s command is always a scary thing, but history records that a few did try to warn him. However, in his arrogance and presumed self-wisdom, he brushed aside those warnings and ordered the work to continue as he designed.

We also ignore good advice sometimes. Those near us and who love us, will show us the flaws in our thinking and offer suggestions and even their help, but so many of us are legends in our own minds and we are convinced that we are the exception and don’t need any help from anyone.

Our decisions can become clouded for any number of reasons, and we can’t see the error of our ways. If there is someone in your life whom you trust and respect, and they are asking you to reconsider or revamp your plan, listen to them!

You don’t always have to take their advice, but you should always give it thought and consideration. It is true, that sometimes, two heads are better than one.
3. Stick To Solving The Problem/Not Self-Promotion.

In addition to the extra level of cannons on board, the king also wanted his new ship to be adorned with great sculptures. This was traditional for those times and a sign of the king’s wealth, position and power.

He hired artists to render huge ornamental pieces that were bolted to the ship; all totaled about 500 were recovered in the wreckage. It is said the sculptures themselves took almost two years to complete.

One could argue that if the king was willing to invest as much time and thought into the stability of the ship as he was the adornment, it might have made it past her maiden voyage.

How much does pride go into your decisions? How important is it for you to look good instead of actually striving to be a person of integrity and stability? Looks and opinions are fading and subjective. My suggestion, dear friends, is to focus on the quality of your life’s decisions and not so much on your life’s ornaments or trophies.
The morning of August 10, 1628 dawned clear and calm. It was the day of the launch and hundreds were at the waterfront to watch The VASA depart. Her gun ports were open and she was scheduled to fire celebratory shots as she sailed away.

As she moved past a gap in the bluffs, a gust of wind blew in and lurched this top-heavy and unstable vessel onto her side. As the lower open gun ports reached the water’s surface, it rushed into the openings and began filling up the bottom chambers of the ship and eventually made its way to the hold where it began to sink.

While the crew frantically tried to save the ship, and then themselves, it sank in full view of the crowd gasping and helpless at the shore; 390 feet away. 30 men lost their lives that day. The king was furious and demanded an explanation, but sadly, most of the fault pointed back to him.

He was impatient, careless, prideful, refused to listen and with no checks and balances, his decisions came to an embarrassing and extremely costly end.
My Hopefuls, it is my goal today to encourage you to give time and thought to the decisions in your life. We all have the responsibility to handle issues and problems, and we even have to take risks sometimes.

I trust in your ability to find solutions and in your courage to carry them out; I just hope we all put in the time and work it takes to execute them properly.

Use wisdom. Plan out the pros and cons. Talk to a trusted friend. Pray. Then, when you believe you are doing the right thing for the right reasons… SET SAIL!
And always..
Hope With Abandon
Hope Out
For more encouragement and blog posts, check out my website: www.hopeboulevard.com

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